Evolution Is Entropy

Evolution Is Entropy

Now pay attention!

Despite the FACT that I have and will have debunked and falsified the Theory of Evolution thousands of times in hundreds of different ways, don’t ever once let me convince you that there is NO such thing as evolution or random mutations.

Evolution is REAL, very REAL.  Genetic change and random mutations are very real.  Genetic entropy or genetic deterioration is REAL.  It is obvious that our gene pool is deteriorating.  Mutations are REAL.  The vast majority of our mutations take place during the genetic recombination which happens during the production of our gametes – egg and sperm.  Natural selection doesn’t do anything except wait around for us to die.  Natural selection doesn’t touch our genes.  It can’t.  Natural selection is effectively Creation by Death.  However, the genetic mutations that take place during genetic recombination are very REAL indeed.

Entropy or evolution produces death and extinction.

Genetic entropy is a real phenomenon.

While writing the book on Syntropy, I one day realized that Evolution is Entropy, particularly the Creation by Disorder definition for entropy or the Creation by Chance definition for entropy.  There are dozens of different mutually exclusive definitions for entropy, which is why nobody seems to know what entropy is.  But, genetic entropy or the deterioration of the human genome is a real phenomenon.  Our genome was designed with backup genes in place, but as our human genome continues to deteriorate, the human race will become sterile and eventually go extinct.  The experts who have been studying genetic entropy and gauging the rate of deterioration have concluded that the human genome has a lifespan or a shelf life of about 9,000 years total, before the collective human genome is so damaged that it can no longer produce viable offspring.

That kind of suggests that something unseen and supernatural has been propping up and sustaining the human genome, if the current rate of measurable deterioration is any indication.

There are literally dozens of different definitions for entropy. The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists believe that ONLY physical matter, entropy, death, and chance exist. Consequently, the mechanism behind evolution has to be one of these. Natural selection is creation by death. Therefore, evolution in general ends up being creation by chance or creation by entropy. This essay is based upon the Genetic Entropy definition for entropy, or the constant deterioration of our genomes.

Whenever the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, and Atheists start talking about evolution, they get most everything wrong, because evolution or entropy cannot design and create.  However, these people do indeed get one thing perfectly right.  Evolution, or random mutation, or entropy is indeed the CAUSE of ALL of our heritable diseases, developmental diseases, and heritable mental illnesses.

One of my all-time most significant scientific discoveries came to me when I first realized that the Theory of Evolution is based upon entropy.

Obviously, I’m not the first person to discover entropy; but, I seem to be the first person on the planet to realize that Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, Determinism, Physicalism, Behaviorism, Scientism, Classical Physics, Chemical Evolution, Macro-Evolution, Natural Selection, Random Mutations, and the Theory of Evolution are based exclusively on entropy; and, I seem to be the first person to realize what that truly means for science in general.

You see, these people have chosen to believe that physical matter and entropy are the ONLY thing that exists.  They based ALL of their science exclusively on entropy.

Are you starting to see the significance of this reality?  Can you see the problem?

Well, ask yourself, “What is entropy?”

Entropy is corruption, disease, disorder, chaos, death, and extinction; and, the Theory of Evolution is based exclusively on entropy.  Are you starting to see the problem?  It’s a BIG ONE!  This is HUGE!

Evolution of any type is entropy; and, evolution of any type is based upon entropy.  Entropy is death and extinction.  When was the last time that you caught death in the act of designing, creating, and producing new and unique life forms from scratch?  It has never happened, and it will never happen.  Entropy or evolution prevents it from happening.

Entropy literally prevents the Theory of Evolution from becoming true.  Evolution produces entropy.  The different types of evolution produce death and extinction.  Entropy prevents the different types of evolution from designing, creating, and producing something new.  Entropy cannot design and create, which means that evolution of any kind cannot design and create.  Entropy can only destroy, which means that the different types of evolution can only destroy.  This reality is so obvious, that I sometimes wonder why nobody has ever thought of it before.

Life, design, creation, organization, order, information, intelligence, proteins, genes, genomes, computer programs, hardware, cars, buildings, computers, phones, televisions, physical matter, and physical life forms REQUIRE an infusion of Syntropy in order to come into existence.  We KNOW that Syntropy must exist, or there wouldn’t be any entropy.  We KNOW that Syntropy must exist, or there wouldn’t be any physical matter.  We KNOW that Syntropy must exist, or there wouldn’t be any life – the whole thing would be death, or chaos, or entropy.  We KNOW that Syntropy must exist, or we wouldn’t be here to think about it.

The Theory of Evolution can’t work as advertised.  It’s prevented from doing so by entropy, or death and extinction.  Evolution is entropy; and, evolution or entropy prevents the Theory of Evolution from becoming true.

The Fruits of Evolution or Entropy


Whenever the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, and Atheists start talking about evolution, they get most everything wrong because evolution or entropy cannot design and create.  However, these people do indeed get one thing perfectly right.  Evolution, or random mutation, or entropy is indeed the CAUSE of ALL of our heritable diseases, developmental diseases, and heritable mental illnesses.

Remember, the Theory of Evolution is FALSE because random mutations or entropy cannot design and create genes, proteins, and life forms.  However, evolution or random mutation or entropy is very REAL; and, it can indeed destroy genes, proteins, and life forms.  Do you see how that works?  It’s important to understand.

The Theory of Evolution is a fictional story that they made up out of thin air.  There is NO empirical evidence supporting any version of it.  In fact, ALL of the empirical evidence and experimental evidence that we have on hand as a race FALSIFIES the different versions of the Theory of Evolution and VERIFIES Quantum Mechanics instead.  Quantum Mechanics is Supernatural.  Quantum Mechanics is the Priesthood Power of God.  Quantum Mechanics and Psyche are Pure Syntropy.  There is NO entropy in the spirit realm, the non-local realm, the quantum realm, or the transdimensional realm.  Psyche, Spirit Matter, and Quantum Mechanics ARE Syntropy.

The very existence of something like the Orthodox Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics from Henry P. Stapp FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, and the various versions of the Theory of Evolution.  Quantum Mechanics FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives.  Fictional stories like the Theory of Evolution cannot stand in the light of truth.

The Theory of Evolution is the very pinnacle of fictional ad hoc just-so story telling; and, ad hoc just-so stories are logic fallacies.  The Theory of Evolution is fictional because it never happened – none of it happened!  The chemical evolution of proteins and genes from atoms is physically impossible.  Abiogenesis, spontaneous generation, and the various different forms of macro-evolution are physically impossible.  They are prevented from happening by entropy.

The Theory of Evolution is science fiction.  The fictional nature of the story becomes most egregious whenever they try to guesstimate how many millions of years it took for evolution to do something for us, because evolution or entropy can’t do anything for us – not ever.  They are making the Theory of Evolution up as they go along.  It’s a fictional story, and nothing more.

Since the whole Theory of Evolution is nothing but a fictional story, you can successfully and rightfully make up fictional stories of your own to debunk it.  That’s the way fiction works!

Scientific Inference


Comparative Psychology and Evolutionary Psychology are based upon Darwinism and the Theory of Evolution, which means that they too are nothing more than fictional ad hoc just-so stories that these people have made up out of thin air.

In fact, in his book Biopsychology, John Pinel tells us as much when he tells us that his “evolutionary perspective” is based upon scientific inferencesScientific inferences are fictional ad hoc just-so stories.  Scientific inferences are logic fallacies.  The whole of their evolutionary perspective, evolutionary psychology, and comparative psychology is based upon scientific inferences or stories that they have manufactured out of thin air.  Making up stories is what makes being a scientist fun, according to John Pinel.

From Biopsychology page 13, John Pinel writes:

Scientific inference is the fundamental method of biopsychology and of most other sciences – it is what makes being a scientist fun.  This section provides further insight into the nature of biopsychology by defining, illustrating, and discussing scientific inference.

The scientific method is a system for finding things out by careful observation, but many of the processes studied by scientists cannot be observed.  For example, scientists use empirical (observational) methods to study ice ages, gravity, evaporation, electricity, and nuclear fission – none of which can be directly observed; their effects can be observed, but the processes themselves cannot.  Biopsychology is no different from the other sciences in this respect.  One of its main goals is to characterize, through empirical methods, the unobservable processes by which the nervous system controls behavior.

The empirical method that biopsychologists and other scientists use to study the unobservable is called scientific inference.  Scientists carefully measure key events they can observe and then use these measures as a basis for logically inferring the nature of events that they cannot observe.

Like a detective carefully gathering clues from which to recreate an unwitnessed crime, a biopsychologist carefully gathers relevant measures of behavior and neural activity from which to infer the nature of the neural processes that regulate behavior.

The fact that the neural mechanisms of behavior cannot be directly observed and must be studied through scientific inference is what makes biopsychological research such a challenge – and as I said before, so much fun.  (Biopsychology, p. 13.)

Pinel, J. (2014). Biopsychology (9th ed.). New York: Pearson.

John Pinel is trying to lay a scientific foundation for his belief in Evolution, Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism; and, he is using scientific inferences to do so.  He wrote this section of his book as empirical proof that the Theory of Evolution is true.  Scientific inferences are how the Materialists, Naturalists, and Darwinists prove that the Theory of Evolution is true.  So, what are scientific inferences?

He defines scientific inference as an empirical method or a scientific method.  Then he uses scientific inference to prove that the Theory of Evolution is true.  Because he has never studied the Philosophy of Science, he has NO idea how faulty, fallacious, and weak scientific inferences really are.  He has NO idea that scientific inferences are logic fallacies.  Instead, he literally treats scientific inferences as empirical evidence, so that he can prove that the Theory of Evolution is true.

Notice carefully how he defines Evolution, Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism as events that we cannot observe.  These are events that have NEVER been observed.  So, we are going to use scientific inferences to manufacture “empirical evidence” for these events that cannot be observed and that have never been observed.  Scientific inference is a logic fallacy; yet, he erroneously calls it an empirical method.  They ALL do that in one way or another, without even realizing that they are using logic fallacies to prove that Evolution, Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism are true.  These people tack on the word “scientific” to make it seem like science, but it is nothing more than “inference” or personal interpretation masquerading as empirical fact.  These people are begging the question and jumping to conclusions.

Inference is the affirming the consequent logic fallacy in action.  If you ever study the Philosophy of Science and get a professor like Joseph Rychlak who knows what he is talking about, he will teach you that for every single piece of scientific evidence, there are literally an infinite number of interpretations or inferences that can be given to that single piece of scientific evidence or that single event; and, many of them will seem plausible or believable, but only one of them can be true.

Scientific inference is the affirming the consequent logic fallacy in action.

Scientific inference is the jumping to conclusions logic fallacy in action.

Scientific inference involves begging the question or circular reasoning, which are also logic fallacies.  Scientific inference is a logic fallacy; but, John Pinel is choosing to use scientific inferences as empirical evidence and as an empirical method or a scientific method.  It’s a logic fallacy to do so; but, he doesn’t know that.  He’s never been taught that scientific inference is a logic fallacy.  Scientists typically don’t study the Philosophy of Science in college and grad school; and if they do, they are taught the philosophy of science by Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists who don’t know what they are talking about.

When it comes to the origin of life, there are an infinite number of hypotheses or inferences that are being used to explain the origin of life on this planet.  In fact, the Intelligent Design Theory is infinitely more plausible and believable than the Theory of Evolution because intelligent design has actually been OBSERVED trillions of trillions of times, whereas the evolution of genes and proteins from atoms has NEVER been observed and NEVER will be because it’s physically impossible.  Evolution of any kind has NEVER been observed doing spontaneous generation, abiogenesis, macro-evolution, or the creation of new life forms from scratch because its physically impossible for them to do so.

Intelligent Design Theory is an infinitely more plausible, believable, credible, and parsimonious scientific inference than the Theory of Evolution is because the evolution of atoms into genes, proteins, eyes, brains, and life forms is physically impossible.  If you are going to use logic fallacies and are determined to use scientific inferences as empirical evidence, then you owe it to yourself to go with the BEST explanation or the BEST scientific inference – one that has actually been OBSERVED and caught in the ACT – Intelligent Design Theory.  Get rid of the ones that have NEVER been observed such as Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Determinism, and Atheism.

The whole Theory of Evolution is based upon scientific inferences or fictional ad hoc stories that these people have manufactured out of thin air.  There’s nothing empirical about it!  There is NO empirical evidence demonstrating the creative powers of entropy, evolution, or random mutations.  Chemical evolution of proteins and genes from atoms is physically impossible thanks to entropy or the second law of thermodynamics.  It can’t happen, which means that it never happened.  Evolution is entropy, or the second law of thermodynamics.  It can’t design and create.  It’s physically impossible.

Furthermore, evolution (genetic change), random mutations, and natural selection didn’t even exist until AFTER God designed and created the proteins, genes, genomes, brains, eyes, and life forms in the first place.  It’s physically impossible for something that doesn’t even exist yet to design, program, engineer, manufacture, and create proteins and genes out of thin air.  Spontaneous generation or abiogenesis is physically impossible.  Entropy or the second law of thermodynamics prevents it from happening.

Evolution is entropy, which means that it can’t design and create anything.  Evolution or entropy can only deteriorate and destroy things.  It can’t design and create.  It’s physically impossible for evolution or entropy to design and create proteins, genes, genomes, brains, eyes, and life forms.  That’s just the way it is, because evolution of any kind is entropy.

It took me years, even decades, to discover that evolution or random mutation is entropy or the second law of thermodynamics.  That discovery also came with a powerful gift.  I discovered Syntropy!  Since evolution or entropy cannot design and create, some type of Syntropy must have done the job.

I finally realized that Quantum Mechanics is the exact opposite of Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Classical Physics, and Entropy.  Quantum Mechanics and Psyche are Pure Syntropy.  Quantum Mechanics is the Power of God or the Priesthood Power of God.  Psyche or Quantum Non-Local Consciousness is the only thing that can control Quantum Mechanics at the quantum level or the psyche level.  Physical matter and entropy can’t touch nor control the quantum level.  Only the smaller can dwell within and control the larger.  Psyche is Syntropy.  Quantum Mechanics is Syntropy.

There is NO aging or entropy in the Quantum Realm, Psyche Realm, Spirit Realm, or Transdimensional Realm.  Transdimensional means non-physical and non-local – not located in our physical 3D space-time realm.  Everything in the Quantum Realm is Pure Syntropy.  It is endless, timeless, eternal, and everlasting because there is NO entropy which means that nothing ages, gets old, or dies in the Non-Local Realm or the Syntropy Realm.

The Gods create physical matter by infusing a particle of spirit matter with space-time and the ability to acquire entropy.  The Gods create a particle of physical matter by taking a particle of spirit matter, filling it full of space, slowing it down to sub-light speeds, and making it subject to entropy or the passage of time.  According to the theory of relativity, the particles of spirit matter existing at velocities faster than the speed of light experience NO passage of time, meaning that they do not age and are not subject to entropy.  Entropy is a function of time or an aging process.  Spirit matter and physical matter are the same thing – they are quantum objects.  However, spirit matter is pure syntropy; whereas, physical matter has been slowed down by being infused with space-time and made subject to entropy or the passage of time.

What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory?


A hypothesis is an idea.  A theory is a hypothesis that has observational evidence supporting it.  It really should be called the “hypothesis of evolution” because there is NO observational evidence supporting macro-evolution, chemical evolution, abiogenesis, and spontaneous generation; and, there NEVER will be.  Thanks to entropy, random diffusion, or the second law of thermodynamics, it’s physically impossible for atoms to spontaneously generate into functional genes, proteins, genomes, eyes, brains, and life forms.  It can’t be done, which means that it wasn’t done.

A hypothesis is a prediction.  A hypothesis is a testable proposition.

In their quest for insight, social psychologists propose theories that organize their observations and imply testable hypotheses and practical predictions.

A theory is an integrated set of principles that explain and predict observed events.

To a scientist, facts and theories are [the same difference].  Facts are agreed upon statements about what we observe.  Theories are ideas that summarize and explain facts.  (Social Psychology, p. 17.)

What are the Theory of Evolution’s hypotheses or predictions?

According to the science fiction that I have watched on television – Star Trek, Babylon 5, and Earth: Final Conflict – a million years from now human beings are going to evolve into energy beings.  There’s a serious problem with that prediction.  There has been life on this earth for billions of years, and NONE of it has ever evolved into an energy being.  It’s not going to happen because it’s physically impossible.  It won’t be done because it can’t be done.

The theory of evolution makes NO realistic or useful predictions.  It just catalogues what happened in the past according to the fossil record, and then it forces a personal interpretation or a scientific inference onto the fossil record after-the-fact.  Scientific inference is a logic fallacy.  Personal interpretations introduce a wide variety of logic fallacies into science.  The theory of evolution is based upon a wide variety of scientific inferences, logic fallacies, personal interpretations, and wishful thinking.

Macro-evolution, chemical evolution, abiogenesis, and spontaneous generation have NEVER been observed because they are physically impossible thanks to entropy, random diffusion, and the second law of thermodynamics.

Technically, the theory of evolution makes NO testable predictions because ALL of the observational evidence, empirical evidence, experimental evidence, and experiential evidence FALSIFIES the theory of evolution.

The FACT is that the spontaneous generation of atoms into functional genes, proteins, genomes, eyes, brains, and life forms is physically impossible.  Since macro-evolution, spontaneous generation, chemical evolution, and abiogenesis are physically impossible, that means they never happened because they couldn’t happen.

The FACT is that the major premises or primary hidden assumptions of Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, and Atheism – claiming that the quantum or the supernatural does not exist – are FALSIFIED due to a complete lack of observational evidence or a complete lack of supporting evidence.  Furthermore, they are FALSIFIED by observational evidence and experimental evidence.  The verified and proven existence of Quantum Mechanics and Action at a Distance FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives.

The primary assumptions or hidden premises associated with Naturalism and Darwinism are NOT testable.

There are NO observed events and NO observed facts associated with chemical evolution, design and creation by random mutations, abiogenesis, spontaneous generation, macro-evolution, or design and creation by genes, proteins, RNA, and amino acids.  Stand-alone atoms cannot spontaneously generate into functional genes, proteins, genomes, eyes, brains, and physical bodies because spontaneous generation is physically impossible thanks to entropy or random diffusion.

There are NO observed facts associated with creation by evolution, which means that the “theory of evolution” is in fact a falsified hypothesis and NOT a verified theory.

The theory of evolution is based exclusively upon correlation, and NOT observation.  There is a huge difference between the two.  Correlation does NOT prove causation.  The Darwinists have carefully correlated their hypotheses with the fossil record.  The Darwinists have deliberately correlated the fossil record with Darwin’s Tree of Life.  However, NOBODY except for the Biblical God Jesus Christ actually observed the production of the fossil record.  Our fossil record could have been produced in many different ways; and with hindsight, all of these different ways or hypotheses can be made to correlate with the fossil record.  Only God knows which one of those ways is the actual way by which He produced the fossil record.

Observation trumps correlation, or at least it should.  However, when it comes to the theory of evolution, the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists make their correlations trump ALL the observational evidence that falsifies their pre-chosen beliefs.  They cheat in order to make their case.

ORIGIN: Probability of a Single Protein Forming by Chance











Once you have eliminated everything that is FALSE and everything that is IMPOSSIBLE, then ONLY the Truth remains.  It’s elementary.

The theory of evolution has been tested and falsified.  There’s NO practical application for creation by rocks, chemical evolution, or the theory of evolution because spontaneous generation is physically impossible.  There are NO observations when it comes to the theory of evolution.  The theory of evolution makes NO testable and verifiable predictions because ALL of observed evidence falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, Nihilism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution.

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, and Atheism are FALSIFIED due to a complete lack of observational evidence or a complete lack of supporting evidence for their hidden assumptions or major premises which claim that the quantum or the supernatural does not exist.  In contrast, it is said that Quantum Mechanics or Action at a Distance is the most-verified, best-proven, and most-used science that we currently have.

Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Neuroscience


On page 25 of Biopsychology, John Pinel quotes another worshipper of the theory of evolution:

Evolution is both a beautiful concept and an important one, more crucial nowadays to human welfare, to medical science, and to our understanding of the world than ever before.  It’s also deeply persuasive – a theory you can take to the bank.  The supporting evidence is abundant, various, ever increasing, and easily available in museums, popular books, textbooks, and a mountainous accumulation of scientific studies.  No one needs to, and no one should, accept evolution merely as a matter of faith (Quammen, 2004, p. 8).

Ironically, the mountains of evidence supporting the theory of evolution are correlational – designed and manufactured after-the-fact to fit the fossil record.  NONE of that evidence is observational.  Correlation is not causation.  Instead, ALL of the observational evidence and experiential evidence that we have on hand as a race FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Scientism, Determinism, and Atheism.  Correlation cannot be used to prove causation.  All of these falsified philosophies have to be taken on blind-faith as being true because there is NO observational evidence supporting them.  The theory of evolution is bankrupt.  There’s no logical reason to believe in the theory of evolution, except for the fact that everybody else has been deceived by it and has chosen to believe in it.

I talk about all of this in great detail in my book, Quantum Neuroscience: The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.  If a comparison between Evolution and Quantum Mechanics interests you, I recommend you take a look at that book:


The book, Quantum Neuroscience: The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything, makes a detailed comparison between Neuroscience and Quantum Neuroscience, which means that it makes a detailed comparison between Classical Physics and Quantum Mechanics.

When properly understood, Quantum Mechanics FALSIFIES Classical Physics, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Scientism, Behaviorism, Determinism, and even Atheism.  Quantum Mechanics is Supernatural.  Quantum Mechanics or Syntropy is the exact opposite of Classical Physics, Entropy, Random Mutations, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and the Theory of Evolution.

Quantum Mechanics is a proven and verified science.  Quantum Mechanics is the best-proven and most-used science that we have.  In contrast, the Theory of Evolution has NO empirical evidence supporting it.  In fact, ALL of the empirical evidence that we have on hand as a race, including Quantum Mechanics, FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and the Theory of Evolution.  Do you see how that works?  It’s important to understand.

Quantum Mechanics, Spirit Matter, and Quantum Non-Local Consciousness (Psyche or Intelligence) are PURE SYNTROPY.  The Syntropy has to exist somewhere someplace somehow because, according to the Law of Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the physical Multiverse should have burned out and suffered heat death an eternity or two ago; and, there should be NO more physical universes anywhere, but here we are nonetheless.  The very existence of this physical universe – it’s beginning full of syntropy and its ongoing existence billions of years later – is positive proof that Someone Psyche knows how to do syntropy or Someone Psyche is syntropy.  Quantum Mechanics is syntropy or the Priesthood Power of God.  God’s Psyche knows how to do syntropy or Quantum Mechanics; otherwise, this physical universe would not exist.

This is what Quantum Mechanics or Transdimensional Physics is trying to teach us.  Quantum Mechanics, Spirit Matter, and Psyche are pure syntropy.  Evolution, Random Mutations, Physical Matter, and Classical Physics are entropy.

Quantum Mechanics is an infinitely better theory than Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, Classical Physics, and the Theory of Evolution.  Old theories are supposed to fall by the wayside whenever a better theory is proposed to account for the findings.  Intelligently designed quantum machinery is an infinitely better theory for the origin of life than the theory of evolution because Quantum Mechanics and Intelligence have been experienced, observed, replicated, verified, and proven to be real and true through a preponderance of the evidence.  Design and creation by entropy or evolution has NOT.  Instead, design and creation by entropy or evolution has been falsified.  It’s physically impossible.

Evolution Is Entropy


Random mutations are entropy.

It’s physically impossible to produce a functional protein by throwing dice.  It can’t be done, which means that it wasn’t done.

Furthermore, designing, engineering, and making a matching gene to go along with a functional protein requires deliberation, planning, engineering, and intelligence.  It can’t happen through random chance or luck.  It’s physically impossible.  The production of a protein, a matching gene, as well as a functional genome requires a programmer, an engineer, a designer, a fine-tuner, and Syntropy of the highest order.  Someone Psyche has to infuse syntropy or order into the equation in order to make it happen because entropy naturally prevents it from happening.  Your genome is God’s Signature.

Random chance produces disorder, disorganization, chaos, cancer, death, extinction, and entropy.

Random mutations are the mechanism of change when it comes to evolution, genetic change, genetic drift, or genetic entropy – not natural selection.  Natural selection doesn’t touch our genes and proteins.  Natural selection is worthless when it comes time to change our genes and proteins.

Natural selection is also a product of chance or a function of luck.  The ultimate product of natural selection is death and extinction.  Death and extinction are entropy.  The physical mechanism that we call natural selection causes entropy, death, and extinction.  Natural selection cannot design and create because natural selection doesn’t touch our genes and proteins.

Since the very beginning of the theory of evolution, Darwinists and Evolutionists have erroneously stated that natural selection is the causative agent behind genetic change – the origin of species by means of natural selection.  They are wrong.  They don’t even understand their own theory.  Selection or sexual activity determines whether our genes get passed on to the next generation, or not; but, natural selection or selection of any kind does NOT change our genes.  Selection or sexual activity does NOT touch our genes!

Natural selection or survival of the fittest doesn’t do anything except result in death and extinction.  Death and extinction are entropy, not syntropy, design, and creation.  Natural selection is NOT a mechanism of change.  Natural selection doesn’t do anything.  Natural selection is death, extinction, and entropy.  Natural selection doesn’t touch our genes.  It can’t.  It’s physically impossible.  There’s no invisible person called “Natural Selection” who is reaching into our genes and making them come alive.

The majority of our heritable mutations come from the genetic recombination process that takes place during the production of our gametes (egg and sperm).  Genetic recombination is the process that shuffles our genes and introduces errors or mutations into the system; and, genetic recombination or the production of gametes takes place BEFORE any type of selection or sexual activity.  Remember, natural selection doesn’t touch our genes.  God is the person who designed and created our proteins and the matching genes to go along with them, which means that God is the one who designed the physical process that we call genetic recombination.  Genetic recombination is the primary mechanism of change driving evolution, random mutations, and genetic drift.  Random mutations are entropy, an integral part of physical matter.

Combine random mutations with natural selection and we end up with genetic entropy – the devolution of our genome to the eventual point where our species goes extinct.  It all ends in death or entropy.  Technically, the “theory of evolution” is the origin of species by means of genetic entropy, random mutations, and extinction, which is physically impossible.  Natural selection has nothing to do with the origin of species.  Death and extinction are the natural result of evolution or genetic change.

[See:  Sanford, J. (2014). Genetic Entropy (4th ed.). Cornell University: FMS Foundation.]

Evolution or Entropy Puts on the Brakes


Evolution of any kind cannot design and create.  It’s physically impossible.  It’s prevented from happening by entropy.

Chemical evolution, abiogenesis, spontaneous generation, or macro-evolution is physically impossible.  Entropy prevents these things from happening, thereby making them physically impossible.  That’s the way it really is in the natural world.  The chemical evolution of functional genes and proteins is physically impossible.  It can’t happen, which means that it didn’t happen.

ORIGIN: Probability of a Single Protein Forming by Chance.


I find all of this fascinating.  I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist; so, I find it fascinating to observe how wrong I really was in my chosen conclusions at the time.  But, I’m not alone.  Millions have fallen for the deceptions and the lies.  Nevertheless, we have had the truth all the way along, if we were willing to look for it, find it, and accept it.

Spontaneous generation, abiogenesis, chemical evolution, or macro-evolution was FALSIFIED in 1859 by Louis Pasteur – the very same year that Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of Species”.  We’ve known that the Theory of Evolution is false from the very beginning; but as a race, we chose to ignore the evidence.

In fact, evolution (genetic change), random mutations, and natural selection didn’t even exist until after God designed and created the proteins, the matching genes, the genomes, the eyes, the brains, and the physical bodies in the first place.  It’s so obvious that I sometimes wonder how I managed to overlook it for the first fifty years of my life; but, I wasn’t looking for it, so I wasn’t able to see it.  Evolution is entropy.  Each species has been de-evolving or degenerating ever since God created its genome, thanks to evolution or entropy.

Entropy prevents a genome from spontaneously generating out of thin air.  Spontaneous Generation or Chemical Evolution was FALSIFIED in 1859 by Louis Pasteur, which means that Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Abiogenesis, Macro-Evolution, and the Theory of Evolution were FALSIFIED at the same time in 1859.  Isn’t it fascinating to observe that we KNEW that the theory of evolution is false from the very beginning; but, our scientists chose to go along with it anyway?  The truth is that genomes don’t spontaneously generate out of thin air.  They NEVER have, and they NEVER will.  The same can be said of proteins.

Your genome is programming code.  Your genome is God’s Signature.  I was a computer programmer for a decade.  I know for a fact that programming code doesn’t spontaneously generate out of thin air.  That’s physically impossible.  Entropy or evolution cannot do computer programming.  You cannot do computer programming or genome programming by throwing dice, shuffling the deck, random mutations, or random chance.  I also know what happens whenever there is a bug in the code.  The results are often fatal; and, if the program manages to survive, the results from a bug in the code are less than optimal.  Disease, deformity, cancer, pain, suffering, death, and extinction are the natural result of entropy, or random mutations, or evolution.

Finally, take note that entropy or random mutations prevent a genetically compatible Mr. and Mrs. Mutant from coming into existence at the same time in the same place.  Thanks to entropy or the randomness of mutations, it’s physically impossible for chimp-like ancestors to evolve into chimpanzees and humans, because it’s physically impossible to produce the requisite Mr. and Mrs. Mutant each and every time that one is needed, so as to make a sexually reproducing species evolve naturally into some other species.  Macro-evolution of this type is prevented from happening by entropy when it comes to a sexually reproducing species.

Remember, the theory of evolution was made to fit the fossil record after-the-fact in hindsight, and it’s constantly adjusted every time another fossil is dug up.  The theory of evolution is reactive and not predictive.  The theory of evolution is correlational, and not observational.  Correlation cannot be used to prove causation.  The missing links really are missing.  There are NO observations supporting any aspect or any version of the theory of evolution.  Design and creation by evolution has NEVER been caught in the act.  There are infinitely better and more plausible explanations for the origin of life than random chance or blind luck.  The only way to make the theory of evolution work as advertised is to get God to intervene and force it to work; and, God has infinitely better and infinitely faster ways of designing and creating life than random mutations and natural selection.

The theory of evolution is wishful thinking in action.  The theory of evolution is the product of Confirmation Bias, which is the psychological tendency to search only for information that confirms one’s preconceptions or one’s pre-chosen conclusions.  These people automatically reject and dismiss anything that falsifies the Theory of Evolution, Materialism, and Naturalism.  They cheat, in order to make their case.  They employ a wide variety of logic fallacies to make their case for the theory of evolution.

The Summary


So, what have we learned?

Evolution is entropy.  Entropy cannot design and create.  These people fail to meet their burden of proof, because the preponderance of the evidence falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution.

A hypothesis is an idea.  A theory is a hypothesis that has observational evidence supporting it.  It really should be called the “hypothesis of evolution” because there is NO observational evidence supporting macro-evolution, chemical evolution, abiogenesis, and spontaneous generation; and, there NEVER will be.  Thanks to entropy, random diffusion, or the second law of thermodynamics, it’s physically impossible for atoms to spontaneously generate into functional genes, proteins, genomes, eyes, brains, and life forms.  It can’t be done, which means it wasn’t done.

Isn’t it fascinating how we can find and know the truth simply by thinking about things critically, logically, impartially, and rationally?

I don’t make my living by preaching and teaching evolution, so I’m free to see through all of its deceptions and lies.  I’m not motivated by confirmation bias where the theory of evolution is concerned, so I’m free to allow ALL of the evidence into evidence and free to pursue a preponderance of the evidence.

I have observed that the preponderance of the evidence falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, Nihilism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution.  I have also observed that there are NO observations wherein any aspect of the theory of evolution has been caught in the act.  Evolution of new life-forms from pre-existing life-forms has never been observed, which means that the theory of evolution has never been verified.  In contrast, design and creation by Intelligent Beings or Intelligent Psyches has been observed, verified, and experienced trillions of trillions of times.  So, which explanation for the origin of life is true – the one that has been falsified or the one that has been verified?

Repeated falsification proves that a theory is false.  Constant verification implies that a theory is true.

Entropy FALSIFIES the claims of Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and the Theory of Evolution, because evolution is entropy, and entropy cannot design and create anything.  Entropy can only degradate and destroy.  Entropy cannot design, program, fine-tune, field-test, manufacture, engineer, and create, which means that evolution of any kind cannot design, program, fine-tune, and create.  Evolution is entropy.

So, where did life come from since it obviously didn’t come from evolution or entropy?

Life came from Syntropy.

Life is syntropy.  Psyche is syntropy.  Intelligence is syntropy.  Physical matter originated from syntropy or spirit matter.  Quantum Mechanics is syntropy.  The Priesthood Power of God is Syntropy.  Quantum Mechanisms are the Priesthood Power of God.  Programming code or genomes are the result of syntropy.  The arrow of progression in the fossil record, or the ever-increasing complexity of life in the fossil record, is the result of syntropy.  WE KNOW this is so because entropy or evolution would prevent it from happening.  God is Syntropy.

Life came from Syntropy, not entropy or evolution.  Evolution or entropy cannot do life.  Evolution or entropy can only do disorder, disease, chaos, cancer, death, and extinction.  It takes an infinite amount of blind-faith to believe that entropy or evolution can design and create, when ALL of the physical evidence we have on hand is telling us that entropy or evolution can only do disorder, disease, deformity, death, and extinction.  The Darwinists and Evolutionists say that evolution is a beautiful concept, but there’s nothing beautiful about cancer, disease, death, and extinction.  Cancer, disease, deformity, death, and extinction are the result of evolution or random mutations.

Ironically, the very existence of entropy or evolution is Scientific Proof of God’s Necessity; and therefore, Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  Evolution is entropy, which means that evolution of any kind cannot design and create anything.  The chemical evolution of proteins, and the matching genes to go along with them, NEVER happened because entropy prevents it from happening.  The development of new species through random mutations and natural selection never happened because entropy prevents it from happening.  Consequently, we have to look someplace else besides entropy or evolution for the origin of life on this planet.  What’s the opposite of entropy or evolution?  Syntropy is the opposite of entropy.  Syntropy is order and organization.  Syntropy is intelligence.  God is Syntropy.

It’s elementary.

God has to exist, because Someone Psyche had to be there in the first place to wind up the clock or wind up this physical universe with Syntropy in the first place.  We couldn’t have all of that subsequent entropy without in initial infusion of syntropy.  The initial syntropy within this physical universe had to come from someplace, and it came from God and the quantum realm.  There’s no other logical explanation for its origin.  The Syntropy had to come from the syntropy realm, or quantum realm, or psyche realm, or spirit realm because it clearly doesn’t exist here in this physical realm.  The order, organization, or syntropy couldn’t have come from evolution because evolution is chaos and entropy.  The order, organization, programming, and structure within 3D proteins, genes, eyes, brains, and genomes had to come from Someone Psyche or Someone Syntropy.

This physical realm and classical physics are based upon entropy.  Entropy cannot do design and creation.  The psyche realm, quantum realm, and Quantum Mechanics are based upon syntropy, order, and intelligence.  Syntropy, order, organization, psyche, and intelligence have the innate ability or the inherent capability of doing design and creation.

Remember, evolution of any kind is entropy; and, evolution of any kind is prevented from happening by entropy.  The production of functional genes and proteins from atoms is prevented from happening by entropy.  Evolution or entropy cannot produce order or syntropy.  It’s physically impossible.  Therefore, we are looking for a non-physical explanation for the origin of life or the origin of syntropy.

Order and Organization are Syntropy.  Life is Syntropy.  Psyche is Syntropy.  Intelligence is Syntropy.  Quantum Mechanisms are Syntropy.  Functional genomes and functional proteins are the result of Syntropy.  Your genome is God’s Signature.  God is Syntropy.

Quantum Mechanics is Syntropy, which means that quantum mechanisms are supernatural in nature and origin.  Quantum Mechanics is the Priesthood Power of God.  Quantum Mechanics is observed, proven, and verified science.  It’s time that we start using Quantum Mechanics to explain how things really work.  The very existence of Quantum Mechanics, Syntropy, Transdimensional Mechanisms, or Supernatural Mechanisms FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, the Theory of Evolution, and even Atheism.

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Entropy, and Classical Physics completely lack explanatory power when it comes time to explain what the Human Psyche and Nature’s Psyche are doing in the quantum realm and how they work in the quantum realm or the syntropy realm.  For that explanation, we need quantum mechanisms, supernatural mechanisms, or psyche mechanisms.

Quantum Mechanics is our best-proven, most-verified, and most-used science that we currently have.  It’s time that we start using Quantum Mechanics or Transdimensional Physics to explain what’s happening in the quantum realm, syntropy realm, or psyche realm.

If your interpretation of Quantum Mechanics cannot explain what the Human Psyche and Nature’s Psyche are doing at the quantum level in order to get things done for us at the physical level, then your interpretation of Quantum Mechanics is worthless because it’s based upon Materialism, Naturalism, Nihilism, and Classical Physics.  Naturalism and Classical Physics lack explanatory power when it comes to the psyche realm or the quantum realm because Materialism and Naturalism deny the existence of psyche or syntropy.

You can’t use something that is incomplete or false to demonstrate and verify the truth.  Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Atheism, and Classical Physics cannot be used to verify the truthfulness and usefulness of Quantum Mechanics, Syntropy, and Psyche.  Quantum Mechanics is supernatural in nature and origin, which means that Naturalism and Quantum Mechanics are mutually exclusive.  If the one is true, then the other is automatically false.

You are going to have to decide for yourself which one is true, and which one is false; but, I KNOW for myself which one the preponderance of the evidence verifies and which one the preponderance of the evidence falsifies; and, that’s good enough for my needs.  All I ever really wanted to know is the truth, and now I do.

Mark My Words

Source Material

Scientific Proof of God’s Existence: Finding God Where the Atheists Refuse to Look for Him.


Myers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Pinel, J. (2014). Biopsychology (9th ed.). New York: Pearson.

Sanford, J. (2014). Genetic Entropy (4th ed.). Cornell University: FMS Foundation.


Quantum Neuroscience: The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.


NATURE vs. NURTURE vs. NIRVANA: An Introduction to Reality



BioPsychoSocial: Including Psyche or Light into our Theoretical Models


Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science.
